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About us


Welcome to the Medical Physics and Bioengineering Department of the University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust.

We are healthcare scientists who support clinical services, research and innovation through combining our specialist knowledge and skills in the physical sciences and engineering with our understanding of biology and clinical practice.

We provide specialist diagnostic and imaging services, including medical photography, and measure performance and output of complex medical devices so they can achieve optimum performance for the diagnosis or treatment of patients. 

As experts in whole-life management of equipment used for patient care we identify new technologies, work with clinical and management colleagues to fund and select equipment that is fit for purpose and best value for money and ultimately we support timely and safe disposal. Some staff are experts in designing, maintaining and repairing medical equipment.

Quality assurance and equipment management services are provided to numerous organisations across the South West, including community healthcare providers in the private sector, to ensure the safety of patients, staff and the public.

The department has established close links with the University of Bristol, in particular with the Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information and the Clinical Research and Imaging Centre (CRICBristol) and with clinical colleagues in nearby NHS organisations.We are accredited for technologist and clinical scientist training as part of the Modernising Scientific Careers programme and support the development of apprentices in medical engineering.

The Department comprises seven main groups:

BIRCH - Bioengineering & Innovation Research Hub

MEMO - Medical Equipment Management Organisation

NMP - Nuclear Medicine

RPU - Radiotherapy Physics Unit

RSS - Radiation Science Services 

SciCom - Scientific Computing

VSU - Vascular Studies Unit

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