Jane graduated from Bristol University in 1988 having undertaken
an intercalcated BSc in microbiology. Her basic and specialist
surgical training was in the South West and she gained her
certificate of specialist training in 2000. At this time she was
awarded a 5-year MRC Clinician Scientist award to investigate
principles and practices of outcome measures in surgical oncology.
Jane led the development of an international portfolio of measures
to assess patients' views and she was therefore awarded a personal
chair in surgery in 2006. She continues to lead an MRC funded
research team involved in methodological developments in randomised
She is the chief investigator of a large trial of bariatric surgery
(http://www.nets.nihr.ac.uk/projects/hta/0912753) and a novel
feasibility study investigating the role of dressings in elective
surgery (http://www.nets.nihr.ac.uk/projects/hta/1220004).
Jane contributes to the upper GI clinical surgical team involved
with major cancer surgery and provision of general surgical
emergency care. She is passionate about setting standards of care
for patients and surgery in the NHS.
University Senior Executive Assistant: Viks Webster 00 44 117
9287332 victoria.webster@bris.ac.uk
NHS PA: Karen Wilsdon 00 44 117 3424007,
Bristol Surgical Trials Centre Senior Executive Assistant: Kate
Taylor 00 44 117 3314540 kate.taylor@bris.ac.uk