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Mr Massimo Caputo


Mr Massimo Caputo

Massimo Caputo
Current Post:   Reader/Consultant in Cardiothoracic Surgery, Bristol Heart Institute/University Hospital Bristol, School of Clinical Sciences, University of Bristol.
Specialties:   Specialist in Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
Sub specialty: Congenital Heart Surgery
Medical qualifications:  

Jan 2006 Honorary Fellow of the Royal Collage of Surgeons of England (FRCS)
May 2003  GMC Specialist Registration in Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
May 2000 Master of Surgery (MCh) - University of Bristol, UK
March 1998 Specialization in Cardiac Surgery (Final Exam) - University of Naples, Italy
July 1992 Medical Doctorate (MD) - University of Naples, Italy
June 1992 Degree in Medicine and Surgery - University of Naples, Italy


Date of registration:  

Sept 1994 GMC Full Time Registration
May 2003  GMC Specialist Registration in Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 

Membership of professional bodies:  

2011   Honorary Member, Syrian British Medical Society.
2010   Member of the British Medical Association
2008   Chief Surgeon for the charity "Al-Dir Charity Hospital" to establish the congenital cardiac surgical program at the Homs University, Syria.
2006   Honorary  Surgeon for the charity "Cardiostart" to perform adult and paediatric cardiac surgery in Arequipe, Peru.
2005    Member of The Society of CardioThoracic Surgeons of UK and Ireland
2005   Member of the BRI Team winner of the "Hospital Doctor Award 2005" (for Surgery) for the work on beating heart coronary surgery.
2004    Member of The British Congenital Cardiac Association
2004   Visiting Professor Paediatric Cardiac Unit, University of West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago.
2004     Garfield Weston Senior Lecturer Fellowship (2004-2009)
2004    Travelling Fellowship to work at the Paediatric Cardiac Surgical Unit, University of Leiden, The Netherlands.
2000     Member of The European Society of CardioThoracic Surgery
2000     Member of The British Society for Cardiovascular Research
1999  Visiting Teacher at the annual "International Heart School J.W.Kirklin", Bergamo, Italy.
1998   Travelling Fellowship to work at the Dept. of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery for a month, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
1991  Winner of ERASMUS/ECTS European Community Grant, University of Manchester, UK.
1990  Winner of ERASMUS/ECTS European Community Grant, University of Bristol, UK.
1989  Winner of ERASMUS European Community Grant, Universite' Catolique de Louven, Belgium.






Special clinical interests:  

Congenital Heart Surgery (neonatal surgery)
Grown up Congenital Heart Surgery
Aortic root reconstruction
Mitral and Tricuspid valve reconstruction
Aortic surgery


Professional profile/background:  

My performance in clinical activity has been excellent. My job plan is divided between adult and paediatric cardiac surgery. Up to date I have performed around 2700 cases from routine adult to a wide range of congenital heart pathologies and grown up congenital heart diseases (average of 4 sessions a week and on call rota for emergencies 1:2). My clinical outcomes are excellent with an overall mortality of 0.7% (20 cases) with 10 deaths among the congenital cases in more than 1500 operations performed including the very complex and high risk neonates and infants (<1%). Assessment of outcome against national standards shows that since my appointment I am performing well above the standards of the national mortality rate for coronary and aortic valve surgery (no mortality), and at one third the national mortality rate for all inclusive procedures.
Another major contribution in the clinical service has been in the field of the Grown Up Congenital Heart (GUCH) Surgery Service. I have been responsible for the development of the complex aortic root reconstructive surgery in Bristol (Ross and Marfan Syndrome Surgery) and the Ebstein Tricuspid Valve Repair ( I was the first in UK to perform minimally invasive pulmonary valve replacement (injectable pulmonary valve) and awarded funding for the first multicentre randomised trial using this technique (NIHR). I have been routinely invited in several UK (Glasgow, Manchester, Leicester) and European Cardiac Units (Milan, Naples) to perform and teach these new surgical techniques as leading expert. At the same time, surgeons from UK and abroad come to Bristol or send their patients to us because of the expertise we have developed.
As a result of my clinical activity I have received recognition of excellence of clinical skills at national and international level through regular invitations to courses and meetings. I have been appointed as an Honorary Surgeon at The University of West Indies (Trinidad and Tobago), the charity organization CardioStart Medical Missions (Peru), and the Al-Dir Charity Hospital (Homs University, Syria), to establish their congenital cardiac surgical program (more than 500 paediatric operations performed with UK standard clinical outcomes). Recently, I have been invited to establish the Paediatric Cardiac Unit at the University Hospital in Bucharest, Romania.



Web links to any published articles: .

1. P de Siena, S Stoica, M Caputo. Reverse subclavian flap and "aorto-pulmonary window" technique for repair of interrupted aortic arch and common arterial trunk.

2. Tometzki A, Caputo M. Ebsteins Anomaly, Medical advisors (Bristol Royal Hospital for Children).

3. Massimo Caputo - research profile on BiomedExperts. "Our study found that patients on ACE inhibitors 24 to 48 hours before coronary artery bypass graft surgery have worse early outcomes," says Dr. Massimo Caputo at the Bristol Royal hospital for Children.

4. Massimo Caputo - research profile on BiomedExperts:Coronary Artery Bypass, Heart Arrest, Induced, Troponin I, Treatment Outcome, Myocardial Reperfusion Injury, Myocardium.

5. Bristol University | Cellular and Molecular Medicine | Adult stem cells
This new project is in collaboration with Massimo Caputo in the University's Bristol Heart Institute and is being funded by The James Tudor Foundation.

6. Miceli A, Caputo M. Medical News: ACE-Inhibitor May Contribute to Poor CABG Aug 2009.

7. Miceli A, Caputo M. A recent Science Advisory from the American Heart Association (AHA) recommended ... Dr Antonio Miceli (University of Bristol, UK) and colleagues … Cached

8. Miceli A, Caputo M. 2011 ACCF/AHA Guideline for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery ...

9. Miceli A, Caputo M. ACE Inhibitors May Negatively Impact CABG Outcomes - Study finds ... Cached

10. Caputo M. Health Imaging News Portals | | JACC: ACE inhibitors may ... Cached

11.    de Siena P, Caputo M. Reverse subclavian flap and aorto-pulmonary window technique for repair of interrupted aortic arch and truncus arteriosus.