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Dr John Moppett



Dr John Moppett

JM Pic 

Current Post:


Consultant Paediatric Haematologist

Contact Details:


T: 0117 342 8752 (secretary)


Special Clinical Interests:


Clinical trials in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia

Response Assessment in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia - including Genetics and Minimal Residual Disease

Membership of professional bodies:


Royal College of Pathologists

British Society for Haematology


Professional profile/background:


I have been a Consultant Paediatric Haematologist since 2007. I specialise in malignant disease (Leukaemias), especially Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. I am involved in running several early and late phase clinical trials locally, nationally and internationally.

I studied Measurable Residual Disease (a method for accurately measuring amounts of Leukaemia present in on treatment samples) for my PhD at the University of Bristol and have had subsequent grant funding to develop this technique further. Additionally I am the Clinical Lead for the UK Childhood ALL Molecular and Flow MRD laboratory networks.

I have several national responsibilities including Chief Investigator of the Bloodwise Childhood Leukaemia Cellbank, membership of the NCRI Children's Clinical Studies Group and am UK lead investigator for the ALLTogether trial in de novo Childhood ALL.

Additionally I am the Clinical Lead for Haematological and paediatric Malignancies for the South-West Genomic Laboratory Hub.


Links to research publications: