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National resources

Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) - Manages the National Clinical Audit and Patients Outcomes Programme (NCAPOP) and has the responsibility for reinvigorating local Clinical Audit in England and Wales.  It also provides online training resources on Clinical Audit.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence - NICE now provides audit criteria for its own guidance, including definitions, relevant exceptions, and suggestions for sources of data.

Clinical Audit Support Centre (CASC) - A private company providing support and training for quality improvement professionals in healthcare.

Clinical audit handbooks

Principles for Best Practice in Clinical Audit (2002, NICE/CHI) was written primarily for staff leading clinical audit and clinical governance projects and programmes in the NHS; however it should also prove useful to other people involved in audit projects. A 2nd edition was published in January 2011 - ISBN: 1846192218

Best Practice in Clinical Audit (2016, HQIP) sets out updated criteria for best practice in local clinical audit.

Local Clinical Audit Handbook for Physicians (2011, HQIP) includes case study examples from local clinical audits. 

A Practical Handbook for Clinical Audit (2005, CGST) contains practical advice about how to improve the quality of local Clinical Audit. 

Development of clinical audit

Bristol Inquiry - This informative paper on the history of clinical audit was submitted as part of the BRI inquiry.