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Carrying out projects at UHBW

The procedure for carrying out a Clinical Audit project at UH Bristol and Weston is detailed below:

  1. Idea - discuss your project idea with an appropriate member of the Clinical Audit Team.
  2. Proposal - register the audit via the AMaT audit management system (contact your Audit Facilitator to find out how to access).
  3. Approval - the proposal will be approved by the Divisional / specialty Clinical Audit Convenor and Facilitator.
  4. Support - discuss with your Clinical Audit Facilitator what further support they can give you.
  5. Data - collect and analyse your data.
  6. Present - discuss results with colleagues and make recommendations; presentation and poster templates are available.
  7. Report - a written report provides the permanent record of the audit; you can generate one in AMaT.
  8. Action - a final action plan details what is to be done to create improvement, by whom and by when.

We know that bureaucracy can be time-consuming, but this procedure is there to protect you, your colleagues, the Trust, and ultimately patients. We want to support you to do audit that brings about positive changes to patient care.

Points to note:

If your project involves review of patient case notes, these will not be pulled unless the project has been approved and registered. Large note-pulls (eg more than 100 notes) may be queried by the audit team as part of the approval process.

If your project involves a patient or staff survey, this will require separate approval by the Trust's Questionnaire, Interview and Survey (QIS) Group - a proposal form and template covering letter can be found on their webpage.