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26 February 2013

What will future rehabilitation services look like?

What will future rehabilitation services look like? 

Have your say on plans for the future of rehabilitation services in Bristol.

Following consultations in November and December 2012, proposals have been drafted for a new service model which will meet future challenges faced by the NHS. This meeting is an opportunity for patients, carers and members of the public to:

  • Find out more about the proposals for changes to rehabilitation services.
  • Tell us how these changes will affect you and give us feedback on how the proposals could be improved.
  • Find out more about how these proposals will be turned into a reality, and how you can continue to be involved in this.

When: Tuesday 26 February, 2pm- 4pm 

Where: St James Priory, Whitson Street, Bristol, BS1 3NZ (behind the bus station) 

Tea, coffee and cake will be provided 

For more information and to book a place at this event, please contact The Healthy Futures Programme via email or telephone 0117 984 1597.