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29 November 2013

Update and innovations in womens health

We would like to invite GPs to an afternoon update session highlighting the ways in which practice is changing to deliver better care and respond to the innovations in women's health care delivery.

We hope this will be a regular feature which is responsive to GP needs and demands for educational updates and dialogue in this area.

Friday 29 November, South Bristol Community Hospital, Hengrove

Booking: available now - and closing 8 November or earlier if the 40 available places are booked.


1.30pm: Lunch

2pm: Living well beyond cancer: The survivorship model

Jayne Alexander, clinical nurse specialist in gynae-oncology     

2.40pm: Enhancing post-operative recovery and recuperation       

Jo Bailey, consultant gynae-oncologist

3.15pm: Refreshments

3.30pm: Keeping young women healthy: treating the abnormal, not the normal              

Naomi Crouch and Jessica Triay, consultant paediatric and adolescent gynaecologist, consultant adolescent endocrinologist

4.10pm: Open forum  -  Grill-a-Gynae

Mr John Murdoch - gynaecologist oncologist

Mr Martin (Pip) Mills  - general gynaecologist special interest in medical and surgical fibroids

Miss Susan Glew - general gynaecologist special interest in colposcopy

Prof David Cahill - gynaecologist specialist in reproductive medicine

5pm: Meeting close

Professor David Cahill and Dr Naomi Crouch, programme organisers