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12 February 2019

UH Bristol – Our 2025 Vision

Following on from our successful Health Matters event in 2018, 'Where next for UH Bristol?', we want to update you on how the things you told us last year have influenced the development of our new Trust Strategy for 2020-2025. 

At this event you will have an opportunity to:

- Hear the latest on our draft strategy which will launch in May this year

- See how feedback from last year's Health Matters event has been built into our plans

- Understand what all this means for our patients, our staff and for you - the big things we are going to do by 2025

- Have an opportunity to tell us what you think and discuss this with Paula Clarke, Director of Strategy, and senior members of our planning team.

To book your place on this, or our other upcoming 'Health Matters' events, please follow this link