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28 March 2013

Sustainable hospitals for the future

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust (UH Bristol) invites you to take part in one of two 90 minute conversations about sustainable hospitals. They are being held on:

28 March 2013

Discussion 1 is from 11am - 12.30pm

Discussion 2 is from 3pm - 4.30pm

Tutorial Room 6

UH Bristol Education and Research Centre

Upper Maudlin Street, Bristol, BS2 8AE

For many people the concept of greening the environment, or making things low carbon, is a familiar idea. The idea behind these conversations is to start to engage patients and the public in a wider discussion about what it means to be a sustainable hospital. We want our patients, and people who use our services, to have their say and help shape the future that we want to see.

The aims are to:

  • Engage patients and the public and raise awareness about what a sustainable hospital means
  • Find out how people feel about sustainability issues, which features are desirable and which you want to avoid
  • Start a discussion about how we can work together to provide excellent care in sustainable hospitals gathering opinions, thoughts and new ideas which will contribute to an NHS consultation process on sustainable development. 

Booking is essential. To get involved and book your place at one of the two sessions please contact Tony Watkin on 0117 342 3729 or