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19 January 2017

Quality Counts 2017

We are proud to care

Your invitation to Quality Counts 2017


You are invited to join Carolyn Mills (Chief Nurse), Dr Sean O'Kelly (Medical Director) and other members of the University Hospitals Bristol team to help shape our quality improvement priorities for the coming year.


Thursday 19 January 2017

6.00pm - 7.30pm

Lecture Theatre 2

Education and Research Centre, Upper Maudlin Street, Bristol BS2 8AE


In common with the rest of the NHS, University Hospitals Bristol faces a significant challenge: delivering the highest quality of services for our patients whilst ensuring future financial sustainability. This means doing more for less, doing it better and doing it smarter. The quality of service that we provide is our overriding priority and the common purpose that brings all of our staff together, no matter what roles they do and where they work, and this is rightly central to our mission, vision and pride as an organisation.

At this event will be discussing our new Quality Strategy 2016-2020. We will explore what the strategy tells us about the type of organisation we want to be, how patients and the public have helped shape our plans for the next five years, and discussing where you think we should have an additional focus during the coming year.

You can book your place by filling in an online booking form here or call the Membership Office on 0117 342 3764 or email


For further information please contact Tony Watkin on 0117 342 3729 or email