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09 October 2013

Optimising BP control – QOF and beyond

Do you want to get more of your patients achieving the QOF Blood Pressure targets? Dr Angus Nightingale, consultant cardiologist leading the Hypertension Clinic at the Bristol Heart Institute, would like to invite GPS to join local colleagues for an evening meeting at Hotel du Vin on Wednesday 9 October from 6.30pm to 9pm, including food.

Suitable for all GPs and secondary care clinicians dealing with hypertension. Nurses and other health care professionals involved in managing hypertension are very welcome. 

The topic is: Optimising BP control - QOF and Beyond

Speakers include hypertension specialists, endocrinologists, cardiologists and GPs. View the provisional programme.

This interactive masterclass will review the success of BP treatment in the Bristol area and discuss practical ways to improve BP control in primary and secondary care. We will look at which patients need further investigation and who and when to refer to secondary care. 

Numbers are limited to 50. To book your place please call Ann Wherlock on: 0117 342 6572 or email: 

Further information is available at: /patients-and-visitors/your-hospitals/bristol-heart-institute-clinical-services/bhi-cardionomics/