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20 May 2013

International Clinical Trials Day 2013

Celebrate International Clinical Trials Day 20 May 2013

International Clinical Trials Day is celebrated around the world each year on 20 May.

It commemorates the first ever clinical trial carried out by James Lind, a surgeon in the British Royal Navy in 1747 comparing different agents (including vinegar, seawater and lime juice) for their effectiveness in treating scurvy. 

Clinical trials have come a long way since then, and are the best way of proving whether a new treatment is effective. Today clinical trials can involve thousands of participants, and are subject to strict regulation to ensure patient safety. 

University Hospitals Bristol has 380 clinical trials open currently, and a total of 600 open research studies. In some areas, for example Oncology, research is integrated with clinical care and the vast majority of patients are offered the chance to take part in a trial (there are currently 90 trials open at BHOC). And about half of all patients undergoing cardiac surgery take part in a clinical trial. 

UH Bristol will be celebrating International Clinical Trials Day on 20 May 2013 by having stands throughout our hospitals where staff from research teams and R&I will be available to tell you about some of the research that we do. There will be information about our research, and we plan to carry out our own "trials" on the day. 

Evening Event: We will also host an early evening event for staff, patients and open to members of the public with short talks about our research and displays giving more information.

This will be held in the Education and Research Centre, from 5 to 7pm on 20 May.

View the programme of the evening event.