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27 February 2020

Health Matters - Sexual Health services

It can be embarrassing, awkward and even stressful to think about your sexual health. Whether you're a young person or older, we all need to look after our sexual health and wellbeing and make sure we're protected and aware of potential risks.

This month's event will focus on the challenges of accessing contraception and sexual health services and information when you need them. Meet members of the Unity Sexual Health Team and share your views on new developments in sexual health services in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. These include online and postal services - for example video consultations, sending treatment in the post and use of online accounts.

Everyone should be able to easily access our services to support healthier relationships and sexual well-being throughout life. To book your place at this free event please go to this link or call the membership office on 0117 34 23764.