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24 January 2018

Finding ways to live better with heart failure

Do you know anyone with heart failure? This is a condition when the heart doesn't pump strongly enough. It often happens after a heart attack or because of high blood pressure. Unlike some heart conditions, it can't be cured. So, people with heart failure have to find ways to deal with it as best they can.

Over 6000 people in Bristol suffer with heart failure. As well as affecting them, it also places a huge strain on the people around them. A team of doctors and nurses from Bristol Community Health have arranged a programme to support people living with heart failure and those supporting them. Dr Yasmin Ismail, a Consultant Cardiologist at the Bristol Heart Institute, has put together a team of experts to answer questions and give practical advice. This will include sessions on managing your own medications, what exercise is safe, tips on the best diets, dealing with anxiety and stress (especially for carers) and new treatments.

Come along to the Vassall Centre on Gill Avenue, BS16 2QQ on Wednesday 24 January from 2pm to 5pm. All are welcome. No booking required. Any enquiries call 0117 342 6691.