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24 January 2020

Eating Disorders Health Integration Team (HIT) Research Conference

This Bristol Health Partners event provides an opportunity to learn about the latest research on the prevention and treatment of eating disorders from experts from the University of West of England, Somerset CAMHS Community Eating Disorder Service and Bristol Royal Hospital for Children.

The event is free but please do register via  Eventbrite.


10.00-10.25 Arrival for research conference (tea and coffee available)

10.25-10.30 Welcome

10.30-11.00 Mindful Eating - Conscious Living™: A study of acceptability, feasibility and preliminary efficacy of an 8-week mindfulness-based intervention for disordered eating

Christine Ramsey-Wade, Centre for Appearance Research, University of the West of England

11.00-11.30 What makes the difference in preventing admission to Tier 4 eating disorder units

Jasmin Langdon-Daly, Clinical Psychologist, Somerset CAMHS Community Eating Disorder Service

11.30-11.45 Break

11.45-12.15 Achieving Body Confidence for Young Children: A cluster randomised controlled trial of a universal teacher-led body image and weight stigma programme for early primary school children

Amy Slater, Associate Professor in the Centre for Appearance Research, University of the West of England

12.15-12.45 Prevention and early help for eating disorders in young people with Type 1 diabetes

Rosie Oldham-Cooper, Clinical Psychologist for Paediatric Diabetes, Psychological Health Services, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children

12.45-13.45 Lunch and networking

Event address:

Room 2D17 (Psychology Common Room)
Priory Road Complex, University of Bristol
12 Priory Road