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14 October 2015

Crohns & Colitis SW Regional Medical Educational Evening

An educational evening for people with IBD and their families, run by Crohn's and Colitis UK Avon and North Somerset Group and hosted by University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust (UH Bristol), will take place on Wednesday 14 October.

Consultant gastroenterologist at UH Bristol, Dr Tom Creed, along with trained IBD nurses and health professionals will provide an overview of the latest developments into the causes of, and treatments for, IBD including the impact of diet on the condition.

All are welcome to this free evening, but to assist us in organising the event we would appreciate you registering by e-mailing:

For more information call 01275 818802 and ask for Tony.

Event: Crohns & Colitis SW Regional Medical Educational Evening

Date/time: Wed 14 October 2015, 6.30pm to 9.30pm

Venue: Education and Research Centre, Upper Maudlin Street, Bristol BS2 8AE


6.30 Registration and coffee

6.45 Welcome

6.50 Who gets IBD and why

7.20 What can your IBD nurse do for you

7.50 Coffee

8.10 The impact of diet on IBD

8.40 Latest news on IBD treatments and studies

9.20 Closing remarks

9.30 Close