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Showing 5 of 227 event items

#UHBristolArts Second Wednesday - This Girl Can Move

Enjoy an evening of lively conversation about how to stay well during pregnancy and after birth.    Read More

Health Matters - Arthritis: your questions answered

In the UK, around 10 million people have arthritis. It affects people of all ages, including children. This talk by Robert Marshall, Consultant Rheumatologist, will look at the causes, symptoms and treatments for arthritis, with an opportunity for Q&A.    Read More

Paediatric Newly Qualified Nurses Open Day

This open day is for student nurses in their third year of study only, ready to commence employment in September 2019.    Read More

UH Bristol – Our 2025 Vision

Following on from our successful Health Matters event in 2018, 'Where next for UH Bristol?', we want to update you on how the things you told us last year have influenced the development of our new Trust Strategy for 2020-2025.    Read More

Public Board meeting and Council of Governors

The Board of Directors meets in public every other month between 11am and 1pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend to observe these meetings but must be aware that they cannot take part in the discussion as although the meeting is held in public, it is not a public meeting.    Read More
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