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Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA)

Approved Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA)

DPIA Title

Date Approved


West of England Genomic Medicine Centre 100k Genomes Project


The principal objective of the 100,00 Genomes Project is to sequence 100,000 genomes from patients with cancer, rare disorders, and infectious disease, and to link the sequence data to a standardised, extensible account of diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes.

Use of WhatsApp in Facilities & Estates Recruitment


The purpose of this will be to share information about potential roles in the organisation, and provide a quick contact point for candidates.

Administrative Staff Transformation Project


A project focussing on improving the training, engagement, processes, recruitment, and standardisation of admin staff at UH Bristol.

Medway Appointment Letters


A project to improve the Medway appointment letters templates at UHB, in order to improve the patient experience and reduce complaints.

Thoracic & Hepatobilary Pre-Operative Assessment Videos


This is about 'a picture telling a thousand words' as it helps the Multi-Disciplinary Team to get a sense of if the patient is fit for surgery and to help improve decisions about their care.

Happy App


This is a totally annoynmous way for staff to feedback to their manager about how they feel, and receive a response from their manager.

Emailing Patient Appointment Letters


A project to start emailing patient Medway appointment, rather than posting them, with the aim of saving the Trust money, as well as acting on patient feedback about wanting to receive emailed letters.

Electronic Patient Bedside Food Ordering System


This system allows ward staff to electronically order patients meals, supporting the reduction in food wastage.

HCV Re-engagement Project


A 'patient re-engagement exercise' run by by Public Health England and NHS England to help find and treat people with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection

MDSAS Burns Telemedicine Portal


A telemedicine referral system to the regional paediatric burns referral centre at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children.

PACS XCA Image Sharing


To allow electronic access to Radiology images and reports by partner organisations for the purpose of direct healthcare.

Muscular Dystrophy UK Sponsored Virtual Clinical Psychology Service


This is a new clinical psychology clinic being offered to parents of children with muscle wasting conditions. Personal data will be collected in order to ensure the safe delivery of the clinical service.



BoneXpert is a software-only medical device that provides an automatic determination of bone age and bone health index for paediatric patients.

Radiotherapy Peer Review


Recent gudance suggests that target volume definition should be subject to peer review. University Hospitals Bristol are trialling the peer review process via Webex with Royal United Hopsitals Bath and Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Multi Level Surgical Procedures Experiences


Paediatric patients who have undergone Multi Level Surgical Procedures will be asked to provide their experiences of surgery and rehabilitation. These experiences will be anoynmsied and uploaded to a public facing website to assist future patient's preparation for surgery and rehab.

Heartsuite Data Transfer


Data transferred to Univeristy of Bristol's REDCap system to allow for greater flexibility in identifying future areas of Research.

Envoy Text Reminder Service


To include child's initials in appointment text reminders to parents and guardians to specify which child an appointment is for.

Holistic Needs Assesment Tracker


In order to monitor the introduction of HNAs the Living Well With and Beyond Cancer project team will collect information on when patients are referred to them from the CNS teams.

Personal Health Record


The objective of this project is to install and configure a Person Held Record giving  patients the option to update and have access to their own patient information through a Citizen Portal.

NHS Digital Local Monitoring Pilot


As part of the Cyber Security Operations Centre, NHS Digital will be piloting three local monitoring solutions across 15 NHS organisations (5 per solution), of varying size and type to test a range of security technologies. The aim of the pilot is to help identify appropriate solutions that can be further rolled-out across the system.



The Project is for the procurement, configuration and implementation of a single Audiology Patient Management System for the three Audiology Services.

CRN West of England Contacts Database


 Its purpose is to maintain a list of accurate contact details of CRN West of England business partners and stakeholders in order to ensure that communication with these individuals is timely and error-free.

CRN West of England Funded Staff Database


A workbook/database of staff employed using funding from the CRN West of England will be maintained that will allow senior core team staff to match individuals to anonymised finance returns submitted by Partner Organisations to the NIHR CRN Coordinating Centre.

CRN West of England Portfolio Tracker


The Portfolio tracker is an Access database that imports anonymised recruitment data which is extracted from the National Institute of Health Research's Central Portfolio Management System on a weekly basis.

EDGE Screening


A cloud-based clinical research management system that allows Trusts to manage both patients and research studies within their organisation, and gives Local Clinical Research Networks an overview of activity within their partner organisations.



Allocate is a Rota Management Software which has been in place for Nursing since January 2017. A project has just begun to use the main software and extra modules to implement the same solution for Medical & Dental Staff (Junior Doctors, Consultants, SAS)

MailChimp Screening


The CRN West of England uses the MailChimp service to maintain an opt-in distribution list for its electronic newsletters.