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Your Hospitals Your Say

16 September 2009

The Annual Members Meeting for University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust will be taking place on Tuesday 22 September 2009 from 5pm at the Trusts Education Centre on Upper Maudlin Street, Bristol.

This is an opportunity to meet and put your questions to the Trusts Board and Governors.

The event is open to all Foundation Trust members and to members of the public with an interest in the Trust and its hospitals. By choosing to become a Foundation Trust member, which is free, you will be kept up to date with the Trusts plans and have the opportunity to have your say on how services could be improved.

The meeting includes an interactive talk from Christine Perry, Director of Infection Prevention and Control, who says:  I hope to give those who attend the meeting a picture of the variety of on-going measures we are taking to successfully reduce the incidents of healthcare associated infections within the Trust.

John Savage, Chairman of the Trust, say:  We welcome all members of the public with an interest in our hospitals to join us at our meeting on Tuesday.  I hope that those that attend will continue to support us by becoming a Foundation Trust member.

More information can be found on the UH Bristol website events pages