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Wrvs Volunteers Raise £250000 Uh Bristol

Womens Royal Volunteer Services (WRVS) volunteers at University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust have raised £250,000 to help make hospital environments better for patients.

This huge sum will be presented at a celebratory tea party for the volunteers on 20 August at the Trusts Education Centre.

WRVS has had a relationship with the Trust for over 20 years and there are currently more than 120 WRVS volunteers working in different areas across the Trust, helping to make life easier for patients and relatives.

Their volunteering includes staffing the WRVS shops selling newspapers and snacks as well as WRVS cafes and trolley services at St Michaels Hospital, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol Childrens Hospital, Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre and Bristol Eye Hospital.  

This donation of £250,000 is made up of fundraising from all the projects across the Trust and has taken 18 months to raise. It will be used to help create a fresher, more welcoming environment for patients across the Trusts hospitals.

WRVS Chairperson Ruth Markland will be presenting a cheque to representatives from the Trust at the tea party.

Charles Oldham, Regional Operations Manager for the Trusts WRVS volunteers says: This is a fantastic amount of money that has been raised for the hospitals and is down to the dedication, hard work, commitment and support of all our volunteers.

Lindsey Scott, Chief Nurse and Director of Governance who will be accepting the donation on behalf on University Hospitals Bristol says: The work that all our many volunteers do around the hospitals is absolutely excellent and we would like to thank WRVS for this wonderful gift.

This is just the latest in a long line of donations that have made a significant difference to patients and staff. We are very grateful to everybody who has made this possible.

In 2004 WRVS presented the Trust with £280,000 from the previous three years activity and £200,000 in 2006 from the previous eighteen months activity.

WRVS runs several hospital projects across Bristol that always welcome new volunteers. To find out how to become a WRVS volunteer visit