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West Country Actor Opens State Art Medical Scanner

11 September 

West Country actor Charles Dance has officially opened a new £750,000 state-of-the art SPECT/CT (single photon emission computed tomography) scanner at the University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trusts Department of Radiology at the Bristol Royal Infirmary.

The Siemens scanner, which replaces a 22 year old gamma camera, takes CT (computed tomography) pictures of the structures of a patients body. At the same time, a mildly radioactive substance shows up areas of the body where the cells are more active than normal.

By combining these two sets of images in a 3D format it allows doctors to see any changes in the activity of cells and to identify exactly where the changes are happening in the body.

This gamma camera is the first in the UK with such high specifications.

The scans give doctors and patients vital information. They can help to diagnose specific cancers, show whether the tumour has spread to other parts of the body, and help doctors decide on the best treatment, or even how that treatment is progressing.

The SPECT/CT scanner can also help to identify the cause and severity of benign conditions such as endocrine, renal disorders and brain function.

During his visit to the University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, Mr Dance also visited the mobile PET-CT (positron emission tomography combined with computed tomography) scanner.

This is also a new imaging service, complementing the SPECT/CT scanner, which is used to assess a wide range of cancers and is benefiting hundreds of patients in Bristol and across the West Country.

Dr Julian Kabala, Consultant Radiologist for the University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, says: These two scanners are powerful and complementary imaging tools which are essential for modern high quality medical care, particularly in the field of cancer. The scanners can diagnose and stage many types of cancer and help us to assess the effectiveness of treatments.

Dr Graham Rich, Chief Executive of the University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, says: The scanners are leaders in their field and we have invested in this advanced technology as part of our strategy to develop as a world class specialist and cancer centre.