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University Hospitals Bristol Nhs Foundation Trust Elect New Governors

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust is holding its election for Governors to its Membership Council, for a three-year term from June 2011.

The role of a governor is to understand and reflect the views and needs of their constituents in order to provide comment, advice and guidance to the Trust when setting strategic plans. Governors statutory duties are outlined in the Trusts Constitution.
The 13 Governor positions for election are:

Five Public Governors:
Bristol area - three vacancies
North Somerset area - two vacancies
Five Patients and Carers Governors in the following constituencies:
Local patients (who may live in Bristol, North Somerset or South Gloucestershire) - three vacancies
Carers of patients under 16 years - two vacancies
Three Staff Governors:
Non-clinical healthcare professionals - two vacancies
Medical and dental - one vacancy

Elizabeth Corrigan, Governor Representative, says: Being a Governor is a very rewarding and enjoyable experience.  It is wider than performing statutory duties.  By finding out what patients want, we are able to represent the views of the people of Bristol and beyond, see improvements made and make a difference.

To stand for election, it is necessary to be a member of the Foundation Trust.  It is simple to join: you need to be a local resident, or a patient, or a carer for a patient who has used our services in the past three years in order to be eligible.  Governors should have an interest in the NHS, have the time, energy and enthusiasm to represent the views of others and the desire to shape the quality of healthcare in and around Bristol.

Training and support is provided to equip Governors with the tools to work effectively as part of the Membership Council, as well as to assist them in furthering the aims and visions of the Trust. Nominations are due to close at 12 noon, Tuesday 5th April 2011, with a ballot to take place in May.

If you are interested, and would like further information on how to nominate yourself as a potential governor, please contact:

Christy Gerould                                         
Returning Officer                                              
Electoral Reform Services Ltd                           
The Election Centre                                          
33 Clarendon Road                                           
London N8 0NW                                               
Tel: 020 8889 9203                                   


Maria Fox
Trust Membership Manager
University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust
Trust HQ,
Marlborough Street,
Tel: 0117 342 3763

Completed nomination papers must be received by the Returning Officer, Christy Gerould, at Electoral Reform Services Ltd at the address shown below by 12 noon on Tuesday 5th April 2011.

Electoral Reform Services Ltd
The Election Centre
33 Clarendon Road
London N8 0NW

Faxed or e-mailed nominations will not be accepted.

Ballot papers will be distributed to qualifying members on Wednesday 27th April 2011.
Completed ballot papers must be received by the Independent Scrutineer, Electoral Reform Services Ltd (address above) by 12 noon on Friday 20th May 2011.

The regulations governing this election can be obtained from:
The Membership Office (Maria Fox, address above)

If candidates do submit a nomination and then decide to withdraw, this must be done in writing, and witnessed, to the Returning Officer no later than 17:00 on Friday 8 April 2011.
