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University Hospitals Bristol Nhs Foundation Trust Declaration Compliance Safeguarding Children

Monitor, the independent regulator for NHS Foundation Trusts, recently wrote to all Foundation Trusts requiring them to publish a declaration of compliance against five minimum criteria.  The Board of the University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is assured that the following requirements are in place in line with the recommendations of the Care Quality Commission to ensure that systems and processes are in place to safeguard children and young people:

1. The Trust meets the statutory requirement with regard to carrying out of Criminal Record Bureau checks;

2. The Trust has a child protection policy in place that meets the requirements of Working Together to Safeguard Children which includes a process for flagging up children who miss outpatient appointments and a system for flagging children for whom there are safeguarding concerns;

3. The Trust has lead safeguarding professionals (Named Nurse, Named Doctor and Named Midwife roles) in place to fulfil the requirements as detailed in Working Together to Safeguard;

4. The Board level Executive Lead with the responsibility for safeguarding in University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust is Alison Moon, Chief Nurse.  The Board reviews safeguarding across the organisation at least once a year and has robust audit programmes to assure it that safeguarding systems and processes are working;

5. All eligible staff within University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust have undertaken Level 1 child protection training.  A review of all training needs has been completed and a full implementation programme is now proceeding;

6. The Trust has a process in place that meets with the standards agreed by the South West Strategic Health Authority to ensure all children who miss an outpatient appointment for whom there are safeguarding concerns are flagged with the safeguarding team;

7. The Trust has undertaken an audit of safeguarding training needs and outcome and all recommendations are being delivered;

8. The Board of University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust reviewed these systems and processes on 28 August 2009 and the outcome of this review was last presented to the Board on 28 October 2009.  All recommendations from this review are monitored by our Governance and Risk Management Committee and report to the Board quarterly as a minimum.

Everyone at University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for children, young people and unborn babies, and monitors safeguarding arrangements continuously.

Alison Moon
Chief Nurse
Executive Director Lead for Safeguarding
30 October 2009