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Trust's Annual Report Reveals Excellent Progress

29 September 2008

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust has made excellent progress towards its goal of providing the highest quality patient care, research and education, according to the Trusts Annual Report for 2007/2008, which was published last week. Highlights of the year include: 
  • The Trust heard in June 2008 that its bid for Foundation Trust status was successful.  This brings more control and greater accountability to local people and allowed the Trust to change its name to University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust.  
  • The Healthcare Commissions annual health check published in October 2007 reported the best ever results for the Trust with a score of excellent for quality of services and fair for use of resources.  Also, 94 per cent of patients rated their care as either excellent, very good or good. 
  • A successful bid was made this year for £3.8m of Department of Health funding for ground-breaking research into treatments for cardiovascular disease. 
  • The Trust continued to do well against almost all of the existing national targets and compared to 2006/2007 performance improved in a number of areas. 
  • Trust staff are among the safest from assault of any hospital workers in the country, according to NHS Security Management Service figures published in August 2007.

 The report was published at the Trusts annual public meeting on Tuesday 23 September.  The meeting was well attended with a record turn-out of almost 100 people. Chief Executive Dr Graham Rich was delighted by the interest and support shown by the community. He said: The past year has been an incredibly successful year for us as a Trust, particularly since achieving Foundation Trust status. The progress and achievements we have made this year have been outstanding and we will strive to continue our hard work to make 2008/2009 another successful year. The full annual report and accounts can be viewed online.