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Clinical Research Centre Open Bookings

19 July 2010

Researchers from across the scientific disciplines are being invited to apply for grants for use of a new multi-million clinical research facility in Bristol.

The £6.4m Clinical Research and Imaging Centre (CRIC Bristol), managed in partnership between the University of Bristol and its main NHS partner University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, will house a state-of-the-art 3T Siemens Skyra MRI scanner along with four clinical research rooms and a two-bedded fully-equipped sleep and physiological monitoring facility.

Research studies already planned for the centre include neonatal brain injury studies, imaging before and after cardiac surgery, experimental psychology studies and sleep studies in children.

Due to open off St Michaels Hill later this year, CRIC Bristol will be available for use by researchers from the University of Bristol as well as other research teams running studies in the South West, enabling high quality clinical investigation crucial for translational medicine and developing new, novel treatments.

Bids are especially welcomed from researchers from the faculties of Science, Engineering, Medical and Veterinary Sciences and Medicine and Dentistry as well as projects form University Hospitals Bristol, North Bristol NHS Trust, the University of West of England and commercial partners.

Launching the website this week, Dr Colin Dayan, Clinical Director of CRIC Bristol, said: We want this to be a truly multidisciplinary unit enabling world-class translational research at all levels. The CRIC Bristol staff will be available to advise on projects and any necessary regulatory approvals required. CRIC Bristol will be unique in the South West in providing safe modern facilities for studies in both healthy volunteers and patients as well as encompassing all ages from neonates to the elderly.

For further information including contact details and costings visit

For further enquiries, contact Colin Dayan,