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Bristol Royal Hospital Children Performs Highly Healthcare Commission Review

Friday 13 March

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust has consistently performed highly in childrens hospital services according to a Healthcare Commission review published today (Friday).

The Childrens Hospital Services Review covers 154 trusts across England and focuses on training in child protection; the numbers of nurses trained to alleviate childrens pain; training in childrens life support for nurses and consultants; and the maintenance of skills of surgeons and anesthetists who operate on children.

Overall 19 areas were examined and Bristol Royal Hospital for Children consistently performed highly in 11 of those areas and improved in seven.

Dr Jacqueline Cornish OBE, Head of the Division of Women and Children's for the Trust, says:

I am very pleased with the outcome of this review and feel that it supports our reputation as one of the leading childrens hospitals in the UK. We always have the needs of children and young people at the forefront of our minds and continue to assess and improve our service.

This is a follow up review from the first national report published in 2007.  In most areas the performance of the Childrens Hospital has been above the set threshold.