18th November 2009
The Bristol Heart Institute - University Hospitals Bristol NHS
Foundation Trusts newly opened state-of-the-art hospital - has
been awarded with its second prize within a week. The Bristol
Heart Institute brings together for the very first time, all
cardiac services under one roof.
Following last weeks award from Building Better Healthcare, the
BHI was yesterday presented with a 2009 blue plaque by the Bristol
Civic Societys Environmental Awards, at a ceremony held at Aardman
Animations new building.
The Bristol Civic Societys vision is for a city that citizens
are proud of, and a place people want to visit, especially through
its buildings and public spaces. Winners of their annual awards are
chosen by a panel of Civic Society members from a selection of new
or renovated buildings nominated by the public.
Graham Rich, the Trusts Chief Executive, says: It gives me
particular pleasure that our new building has been recognised by
the people of Bristol as deserving of a blue plaque. The BHI
is here to serve the community and its great that the building has
already proved popular with local people and the Bristol Civic
Says Alison Grooms, the BHIs Commissioning and Redevelopment
Manager: Now that the building is in use, its brilliant to
see the plans we made now fully operating, benefiting both patients
and staff: the new building has so much natural light and
space. My professional background is nursing and I know how
important it is to patients and their families to feel at ease as
much as possible within the hospital so that they can deal with the
challenges of their treatment and recovery.

Left to right: Andy Headdon - Strategic Development Project
Director, Alison Grooms -Commissioning and Redevelopment Manager,
Craig Bennett - Architect of the BHI, of CODA Architects