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Adverse Weather Conditions - Helpline Number Appointment Cancellations

5th January 2010

Hospital patients who are unable to attend their appointments at University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust*, because of snow and ice, should call 0117 342 6888 to cancel as soon as possible.  New appointments will be made in the usual way.

The Trust has comprehensive contingency plans to deal with the effects of bad weather and these are being put into place.

We are urging people not to attend A&E departments with minor ailments. Call NHS Direct on 0845 4647 for help and advice or contact your GP.

*The Trusts hospitals are as follows:
Bristol Eye Hospital
Bristol General Hospital
Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre
Bristol Heart Institute
Bristol Royal Hospital for Children
Bristol Royal Infirmary
Bristol Sexual Health Clinic
St Michaels Hospital
University Hospital of Bristol Dental Hospital