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Trust Board meetings

University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) was formed on 1 April 2020 following the merger of University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and Weston Area Health NHS Trust.

The information on this page is historic. Visit the UHBW Trust Board pages for the latest information.

In response to Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Trust Chair has taken the decision to suspend non-urgent and non-essential meetings until further notice. The Board of Directors will continue to meet in private but is unable to hold a meeting in public at this time. Key performance information will still be published on this website, and interested members of the public are invited to submit questions to in line with the Trust's normal processes.

The Board of Directors meets in public every other month.

Members of the public are welcome to come to the meetings and listen to the discussions that take place. For more information on attending these meetings and to find out how to ask questions at the meetings please click here: Guidance on attending Board Meetings (updated September 2018).

You are invited to attend any of our Public Board Meetings - it is not essential to inform us that you will be attending, although this would be helpful for planning purposes.  If you wish to inform us that you will be attending, please contact the Trust Secretariat via email:

Papers are available around a week before the meetings. To view/download papers please click on the links below.

2019/2020 Public Board Meetings:

Extraordinary Meeting of the Board of Directors in Public,  Tuesday 30 April 2019, 12:00 - 13:00, Conference Room, Trust HQ, Marlborough St, Bristol, BS1 3NU

Friday 24 May 2019, 11:00 - 13:00, Conference Room, Trust HQ, Marlborough St, Bristol, BS1 3NU

No Public Board Meeting in June - published papers available here

Tuesday 30 July 2019, 11:00 - 13:30, Conference Room, Trust HQ, Marlborough St, Bristol, BS1 3NU

Board Response to Public Question - July 2019

No Public Board Meeting in August - published papers available  here

Friday 27 September 2019, 11:00 - 13:00, Conference Room, Trust HQ, Marlborough St, Bristol, BS1 3NU

No Public Board Meeting in October - published papers available  here

Thursday 28 November 2019, 11:00 - 13:00, Conference Room, Trust HQ, Marlborough St, Bristol, BS1 3NU

Thursday 30 January 2020, 11:00 - 13:00, Conference Room, Trust HQ, Marlborough St, Bristol, BS1 3NU

No Public Board Meeting in February 2020 - published papers available  here

No Public Board Meeting in March 2020 - published papers will be available here

2018/2019 Public Board Meetings:

Thursday 26 April 2018, 11:00 - 13:00, Conference Room, Trust HQ, Marlborough St, Bristol, BS1 3NU

Thursday 24 May 2018, 11:00 - 13:00, Conference Room, Trust HQ, Marlborough St, Bristol, BS1 3NU

Thursday 28 June 2018, 11:00 - 13:00, Conference Room, Trust HQ, Marlborough St, Bristol, BS1 3NU

Friday 27 July 2018, 11:00 - 13:00, Conference Room, Trust HQ, Marlborough St, Bristol, BS1 3NU

No Public Board Meeting in August - published papers available here

Thursday 27 September 2018, 11:00 - 13:00, Conference Room, Trust HQ, Marlborough St, Bristol, BS1 3NU

No Public Board Meeting in October - published papers available here

Thursday 29 November 2018, 11:00 - 13:30, Conference Room, Trust HQ, Marlborough St, Bristol, BS1 3NU

No Public Board Meeting in December - published papers available here

Thursday 31 January 2019, 11:00 - 13:00, Conference Room, Trust HQ, Marlborough St, Bristol, BS1 3NU 

Supporting Papers for Public Board Meeting on 31/1/19 - Patient Experience and Complaints Reports

No Public Board Meeting in February - published papers available here

Thursday 28 March 2019, 11:00 - 13:00, Conference Room, Trust HQ, Marlborough St, Bristol, BS1 3NU


Board Papers for previous years are available here (2017/182016/172015/16 and 2014/15)