University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust
(UHBW) was formed on 1 April 2020 following the merger of
University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and Weston Area
Health NHS Trust.
The information on this page is historic. Visit the UHBW page for the latest
Financial Accounts and Reports
statement of Accounts
University Hospitals Bristol Annual
Audit Letter
The Trusts standing financial
Capital programme
In the financial year 2007/2008 the University Hospitals Bristol
NHS Trust had a capital resource limit of £56.4 million. The charge
against the Capital Resource Limit in the year 2007/2008 was £48.1
million, an under spend of £8.3 million. There were also
significant capital schemes during this financial year which
includes the Bristol Heart Institute (£21.9 million) and the
Bristol Dental School expansion (£7.3 million).
This is a brief summary of the capital programme for the
financial year 2007/2008. In order to obtain more detailed
information please contact the Legal Services
Staff pay, allowances and expenses
All allowances and expenses are paid in accordance with the
National Terms and Conditions of Employment, a copy of which
is available via the Department of Health website at
Members of staffs allowances are paid for the following reasons:
unsocial hours, weekend work, Working Time Directive pay, night
duty and recruitment and retention. Any expenses must be claimed by
completing an expense claim form. Expenses can relate to study
leave, travel, course/conference fees and subsistence (food and
Details of the Board's remuneration can be found in the
remuneration report contained within the Annual Report.
To obtain details of the Trust's staff pay and grading
structures, please click
Funding (including endowment funds)
The University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust receives
funding from a number of sources including charities. To order to
obtain details about the Trusts funding provisions please write to
the Legal Services Department.

and Tendering
Details of contracts
currently being tendered