Bristol Eye Hospital is one of the country's leading specialist
hospitals with an international reputation for the treatment of
diseases of the eye, and highly respected as a pioneer in research,
education and clinical practice.
The University of Bristol Department of Ophthalmology is
attached to the hospital and leads its field in research into eye
disease and the development of new treatments. The hospital also
houses one of only two corneal transplant banks in England.
The hospital has been in the forefront of development in
ophthalmology including the use of extended role nurses, innovative
schemes for the long-term management of glaucoma patients, day case
cataract surgery and numerous other fields.
Find out more about the services we offer:
Secretary contact details
Glaucoma: 0117 342 9065
Cornea: 0117 342 9140
Oculoplastics: 0117 342 9062
Medical Retina: 0117 342 1400
Vitreo-Retina: 0117 342 1401
Neuro-Ophthalmology: 0117 342 9066
Paediatric Ophthalmology: 0117 342 9141