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Dr Paul Ewings

Name:   Dr Paul Ewings Paul Ewings
Current Post:  

Director of NIHR Research Design Service South West


Statistics, trial design

Medical qualifications:  

BSc, MSc, PhD


Date of registration:   .
Membership of professional bodies:  

CStat, CSci
Member Soc Soc Med






Special clinical interests:  



Professional profile/background:  

Since completing his PhD in 1985 Paul has worked as a statistician in the NHS in Somerset; he is currently Director of the Research Design Service for the South West.  He is based at Taunton and Somerset NHS Trust and holds an honorary post at the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry. Paul provides methodological (especially statistical) support across a wide range of research areas, with grants and publications reflecting this diversity of interests. He has previously sat on the South West RfPB funding panel and is currently a member of the South Central panel; he also continues to review for a number of funding bodies, particularly those run by NIHR.



Web links to any published articles: . .