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25 September 2017

Hospital staff to don pyjamas to highlight #endPJparalysis

#endpjparalysisposter1Hospital staff in Bristol are to wear their pyjamas to work to highlight a campaign which is designed to help patients recover more quickly - by simply maintaining their daily routine.

Nurses, sisters and other ward staff on wards A400 and A528 at Bristol Royal Infirmary and C808 at the Bristol Heart Institute will be wearing their pyjamas tomorrow (Tuesday 26 September 2017) to launch #endPJparalysis at University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust.

During the day staff want to highlight the importance of patients remaining mobile, having their own independence and wearing their own clothes while recovering in hospital.

The national #endPJparalysis initiative was originated by Professor Brian Dolan and encourages patients to get up, dressed and moving while in hospital. This helps to prevent the complications of being immobile, including chest infections, muscle degeneration and clotting; as well as shifting patient's perceptions from 'I'm sick' to 'I'm getting better'.

Under the banner of 'Get Up, Get Dressed and Get Moving', health professionals say that #endPJparalysis helps to encourage people to get out of bed during the day while staying in hospital which can:

  • Prevent loss of muscle strength
  • Reduce stay in hospital
  • Avoid high risk of infection
  • Assist a quicker recovery
  • Encourage patients to maintain a normal routine
  • Return patients home sooner

#endpjparalysisposter2Imogen O'Toole, supervisory ward sister on A528, said: "Maintaining a normal routine whilst in hospital is really important. We're delighted to be launching the #endPJparalysis initiative at UH Bristol, as it has been such a success elsewhere in the country.

"The initiative highlights the importance of patients who are able wearing their own clothes during the day and getting out of bed to maintain their normal routine."

Maureen Liu, sister on Ward C808, added: "Staying in bed whilst in hospital can lead to problems, particularly for older patients. For example, for people over 80, 10 days in bed ages muscles by 10 years.

"Other harms of bed rest include higher risk of thrombosis or delirium, pressure sores, infection or loss of muscle usage, loss of confidence, and greater dependence.  It can also cause incontinence - by too often resorting to catheters, pads, or bedpans - or constipation, instead of assisting and encouraging patients to go to the toilet as they usually would.

"#endPJparalysis is an excellent initiative to help prevent these issues, and we're really looking forward to introducing it at the Trust."

Jaime Squire Dean, matron for medicine, said: "We will ensure our launch day will meet our Infection Prevention and Control criteria and does not compromise patient care.

"We want to highlight this really important initiative in a fun and eye-catching way."