Policies and procedures relating to the conduct of business and
the provision of services
The following policies and procedures relate to the conduct of
business and the provision of services at the University Hospitals
Bristol NHS Foundation Trust:
Please note that the above list is not a complete list of the
policies and procedures which are in place at the Trust.
Alternatively, please contact the Legal Services
Department for more information. Please note that the above
list is not a complete list of the human resources policies and
procedures at the Trust.
Standing financial procedures
The Trust's standing financial procedures can be found on the publications
page of this website.
Standing orders
The Trust's standing orders are available through the Trust's
constitution. This can be found on the publications
page of this website.
Complaints and other customer services policies and
The Trust operates a complaints policy. More details
on how the Complaints team operate can be found at the link
The Complaints team - an
The Trust holds information regarding complaints, however the
information will not normally be available to the public as it may
contain references to patients or treatment received. This is
classified as personal dtat under section 40 of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.
Charging regimes and policies
To obtain copies of the Trust's charging regimes and policies,
please contact the Legal Services Department
Confidentiality/Information Governance/Caldicott Guardian
Confidentiality affects everyone: University Hospitals Bristol
NHS Foundation Trust collects, stores and uses large amounts of
personal data every day, such as medical records, personnel records
and computerised information. This data is used by many people in
the course of their work. For information about how we use and look
after this information please see our Privacy Notice, and the Data
Protection and Information Governance Policies referred to
We take our duty to protect your personal information and
confidentiality very seriously and we are committed to taking all
reasonable measures to ensure the confidentiality and security of
personal data for which we are responsible, whether computerised or
on paper.
At Trust Board level, we have appointed a Senior Information
Risk Owner who is accountable for the management of all information
assets and any associated risks and incidents, and a Caldicott
Guardian, who is responsible for the management of patient
information and patient confidentiality.
The NHS Care Record Guarantee describes how patient information
will be used and protected within the National Systems.
Access the NHS Care Record Guarantee
The NHS sets standards of practice concerning Information
Governance and Confidentiality.
Access the NHS Codes of practice for
handling information in health and care
Please contact InformationGovernance@UHBristol.nhs.uk for any
queries relating to Data Protection, Information Governance or
Confidentiality issues.
Estate management
The management of estates and facilities falls under the
Directorate of Trust Services, which is the responsibility of the
Chief Operating Officer. Daily responsibility is undertaken by the
Director of Estates and Facilities.
Facilities oversee the following areas of the Trusts day to day
- Linen laundry
- Cleaning
- Health and safety in respect of facilities
- Facilities purchasing
- Catering
- Portering
- Waste management
- Pest control
- Monitoring cleaning standards
- Residences
- Security
- Car parking
- Green travel
- Transport
- Skills training
Estates oversee the following areas of the Trusts day to day
- Planned maintenance
- Breakdowns and repairs
- Grounds and gardens
- Minor works
- Backlog maintenance implementation
- Quality control and systems
- Strategic and backlog maintenance
- Risk management
- Environment and energy
- Strategic project integration
- Ordering invoices and payment
- Capital projects
- Feasibility studies
- Project management
- Estate management
- Leases and property