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Transition was good. Everyone was friendly, helpful and caring



Thinking about your condition is the last thing you might want to think about when you start a relationship. It's important to consider though as it can impact on you both physically and emotionally. 

You might be unsure about how to talk to your partner about your condition. There is no right or wrong way to do so. It might help to have a think about where and when you might want to talk about it and also what questions they may have. You can read more here about talking to others about your condition, this is just as helpful when thinking about telling partners or friends. 

As your relationship develops you might start thinking about sex. It is important to also think about safe sex in a wider sense and the use of contraception and protection. Having Thalassemia does not make you more susceptible to sexually transmitted infections but it is important to consider still and discuss with your partner. Communication during sex is important, from thinking about being safe and gaining consent from your partner at all times. 

You can find out more information about advice on sexual health and where to get contraception on the Unity Sexual Health and Brook websites.


If you have the thalassemia trait, you're at risk of having children with thalassemia if your partner is also a carrier or has thalassemia themselves.

If you're planning to have a child and you know you're a carrier, it is really important for your partner to be tested as well. If you and your partner both have the trait for the main type of thalassemia (beta thalassemia), there's a:

  • 1 in 4 chance each child you have will not have thalassemia or carry the thalassemia trait
  • 1 in 2 chance each child you have will be a carrier of thalassemia, but will not have the condition themselves
  • 1 in 4 chance each child you have will be born with thalassemia, that may result in life long need for blood transfusions. 

If both of you are carriers and you're planning to have a baby, talk to your Consultant or Nurse Specialist about a referral to a genetic counsellor, who can explain the risks to your children and what your options are.