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Christmas Quiz

Christmas Quiz 

Why not have a go at the Christmas Quiz kindly written by our Friends for Parents Team?

Do you know?

1] Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree in their homes?

2]  In 'The Snowman' by Raymond Briggs where did the boy and the snowman go walking?

3]  What hang from the banisters in Hogwarts' Castle at Christmas?

4] Which TV family has a pet dog called Santa's little helper?

5] In which country does La Befana give presents instead of Santa Claus ?

How's your maths? Work out the answers to these questions.

6] How many times does the figure 1 appear on an Advent Calendar?

7] The ships I saw come sailing in  x  The Wise Men following the star  =

8] The number of reindeer pulling Santa's sleigh + the number of the days of Christmas =

9] The cost of a first-class stamp - a second -class stamp =

10] How many miles do you think the pregnant Mary and Joseph journeyed from their home in Nazareth to Bethlehem?

Work out the clues to the names of these Christmas shows/pantomimes.

11] Cat dressed for the rain         

12] The opposite of 'A lass out'

13] Blonde girl meeting 3 members of the Bristol Rugby team.

14] Lovely lady who is very tired.

15] 'Away in a Manger' is this.

And to finish - some Christmas riddles.

16]  What do you call a reindeer with bad manners?

17] Why did no-one bid for Rudolf and Prancer on e-bay?

18] What is red and white, red and white and red and white again?

19] Why are Christmas trees bad at knitting?

20] How does every Christmas Day always end?


 We'll be posting the answers on 2nd January

Best wishes to you all for a happy Christmas from the Friends for Parents' team.