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Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Service

The familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) service offers diagnosis, treatment and family screening for this inherited condition via the lipid clinics.

What is FH?                                                                                     

FH Heart Diagram

  • FH is a common genetic inherited condition.
  • Causes high cholesterol from birth.
  • Leads to early heart disease if left untreated.
  • 50% of people with untreated FH will have a heart attack by age 55.
  • 12% of heart attacks under 60 years of age caused by FH.
  • Life expectancy normal if treated.

High cholesterol leads to a build up of fatty deposits in the arteries, restricting blood flow and ultimately causing a blockage.


Key: Patient (P)
        Professional (HCP) 

P- How do I know if I have FH?

  • Angina or Heart Attack may be the first symptoms experienced unless high cholesterol is found and treated first.
  • Have you had heart disease (under 55 years of age) or high cholesterol?
  • Does heart disease (under age 55) or high cholesterol run in your family?
    - High cholesterol does not give you any symptoms.
    - High cholesterol doesn't make you feel unwell.


P- What do I do if I think I have FH or it runs in my family?

  • See your GP and ask for referral to your local lipid clinic
  • If appropriate you will be offered testing for FH
  • If you are found to have FH you will be offered treatment which significantly and very quickly reduces your risk for premature heart disease.


HCP- When should I consider FH?

  • High cholesterol of 7.5 or greater in your patient and
  • History of high cholesterol  or ischaemic heart disease in your patient or their family or
  • History of heart attacks or heart bypass under the age of 55 in your patient or their family


HCP- How do I refer patients?

FH 3 people

Refer to the lipid clinic for assessment of FH:

Bristol Service: Dr Graham Bayly & Dr Andrew Day
Bristol Royal Infirmary                                                        
Dept. Clinical Biochemistry
Marlborough Street

FH 2 people

Secretary: 0117 342 7708

For general enquiries and advice:     


FH Cascade Family Screening Service:

Direct referral for screening of relatives for genetically confirmed FH in families.

Clinical Nurse Specialist: Lisa Gritzmacher FH family graphic
Dept. Clinical Biochemistry 
Bristol Royal Infirmary
Marlborough Street

Weston General Hospital: Dr Wycliffe Mbagaya   FH Dr Mbagaya
Weston General Hospital                                                        
Grange Road
BS23 4TQ


For further information on Familial Hypercholesterolaemia please visit  British Heart Foundation and HEART UK websites.