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When you join University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust (the Trust) as an apprentice we collect personal data about you including your contact details, date of birth, UK Unique Learner Number (supplied by you or the Department for Education) and past education. We will maintain records of your attendance, progress, tests and training. We may collect information about your health and any disabilities particularly where this is required to support you. With your consent we may collect information about your ethnicity for monitoring our duties to provide equal opportunities. Much of the general information in the "Working for Us" section of this Privacy Notice will apply to apprentices and you should read through the other sections.

We use your information generally to manage your apprenticeship, commission training, monitor your progress, manage your funding and for general employment purposes. We generally hold and use your information because it is necessary for the purposes of your apprenticeship contract. Where this does not apply we will obtain your specific consent.

Your information may also be shared with training providers and as follows:

Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA)

We will share information about you with the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), an executive agency of the Department of Education (DfE), to enable them to exercise their functions and to meet their statutory responsibilities, including under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 and to create and maintain a unique learner number (ULN) and a personal learning record (PLR). Your information will be securely destroyed after it is no longer required for these purposes. and to allow us to claim funding. We will also provide relevant information to their Learning Records Service (LRS).

Your information may be shared by ESFA with third parties for education, training, employment and well-being related purposes, including for research. This will only take place where the law allows it and the sharing is in compliance with data protection legislation. The English European Social Fund  Managing Authority (or agents acting on its behalf) may contact you in order for them to carry out research and evaluation to inform the effectiveness of training. 

Further information about use of and access to your personal data, and details of organisations with whom ESFA regularly share data, are available from their Privacy Notice and the LRS Privacy Notice

We process your data using Maytas, a Learning Management Solution provided by Tribal. Information on Maytas may be shared with and accessed by ESFA and by Ofsted to let them check your progress and the Trust's accountability as a training provider.